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Best Of Humboldt – Centennial Edition

Main Street, circa 1910

Best Of Humboldt – Centennial Edition (Including Burr, Carmel, Fulda and Marysburg) is the culmination of about two years of research and writing by a dedicated committee of about 27 people. The book was printed at St. Peter's Press in Muenster, SK in June of 2006.

(Photo at right: Main street, Humboldt, about 1910)

It is a large book, about 880 pages, and includes more than 1,300 photographs, which are a combination of family pictures and historic pictures of Humboldt and district.

The book describes the history of Humboldt and district, in word and pictures, from when it first began to the present day. This book will be of special interest to people who were born here, lived here or had early ancestors who were raised here.

Humboldt City Hall, 1918

Chapter 1: Humboldt & Area Timeline, 57 pages
Includes information about the area’s pre-history and the some of the significant details about Humboldt taken from the Humboldt Journal since it started printing in 1905. Also included is information about the close neighbours: Burr, Carmel, Fulda and Marysburg.

(Photo at right: Humboldt City Hall, 1918)

Chapter 2: Family Histories, 536 pages
There are approximately 830 family write-ups that were submitted for the book. Many of the write-ups include family pictures.

Chapter 3: Organizations, 28 pages
Contains histories and pictures of civic and volunteer organizations of Humboldt, present and past.

Chapter 4: Businesses, 36 pages
Contains submissions and pictures of many Humboldt businesses.

Chapter 5: Churches, 32 pages
Contains histories and photographs of area churches and religious organizations, including great photographs pertaining to the early history of St. Elizabeth Hospital and the Elizabethan Sisters who operated it.

Chapter 6: Schools, 18 pages
This chapter contains stories of area schools, most with pictures and many with lists of teachers through the years.

Chapter 7: Heritage & Candid Photos, 64 pages
An interesting selection of historic photographs are included in this chapter. Many of the photographs have an attached description which adds to their historic significance.

Chapter 8: Humboldt and Area Sports, 44 pages
Covers a wide range of sports from this area, in some cases as far back as the turn of the century, to the present. There is a section on high school sports as well as a complete listing of inductees to date into the Humboldt & District Sports Hall of Fame.           

Chapter 9: People of Interest, 16 pages
Information about individuals from this area who are or were well known in their time for a variety of achievements.

Chapter 10: Quips, Bits and Pieces, 10 pages
A collection of short pieces of information such as anecdotes, history pieces, memories, thoughts, and more.

Chapter 11: Humboldt Centennial Year, 14 pages
Describes the many events that occurred in Humboldt during 2005, the Centennial Year.

Chapter 12: Personal Family Records
This section provides some lined “free space” for individuals to write in significant family information of their choosing.

Historic post office, now the museum

The cost of the book is $85, which includes GST and PST. The cost of shipping, if requested, is an extra charge.

(Photo at right: Humboldt's historic Post Office, now the Museum and Art Gallery)

The book is available from the following:

  • Humboldt History Book Office
  • Box 2980
  • Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0

Send information and cheque to the above mailing address.

By phone from the following committee members:

  • Business Manager Cliff Hagerty at 306-682-3990
  • Sales Manager Gloria Malinoski at 682-1622

Or call the City of Humboldt at 306-682-2525 for information about how to obtain your copy of the book.

Golf course and heritage park, 2005

The golf course and Heritage Park in 2005, the province's Centennial year.

  Site Credits

City of Humboldt 715 Main Street PO Box 640 Humboldt SK S0K 2A0 Tel 306-682-2525 Fax 306-682-3144

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