Clubs & Organizations
The City of Humboldt has a number of service clubs and community/volunteer organizations to assist community residents. They are as follows:
Service Clubs
- Al - Anon
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- Al-Teen
- Alzheimer Association of Saskatchewan - Humboldt Branch
- Big Brother - Big Sisters of Humboldt Inc.
- Canadian Diabetes Association - Humboldt and District Branch
- Carlton Trail Citizens Pro-Life Group
- Family Counseling Services
- Good Neighbour Organization
- Humboldt District No. 44 Home Care Program Inc.
- Humboldt Girl Guide Parent Association
- Humboldt Lions Club
- Saskatchewan Association for Community Living - Humboldt and District Branch
Community/Volunteer Organizations
- All Saints Ukrainian Catholic Women's League
- Calico Gymnastics Club
- German Heritage Society of Humboldt Inc.
- Humboldt and District Chamber of Commerce
- Humboldt and District Kinettes
- Humboldt and District Kinsmen
- Humboldt and District Ministerial Association
- Humboldt Housing Authority
- Humboldt Jaycees
- Humboldt Knights of Columbus Council No. 1886
- Humboldt Lions Club
- Royal Canadian Legion - Humboldt Branch No. 28
- Royal Canadian Legion Ladies Auxiliary
- St. Elizabeth's Hospital Foundation
- St. Elizabeth's Hospital Ladies Auxiliary
- Saskatchewan Registered Nurses Association - Humboldt Chapter
- Victorian Order of Nurses
- Welcome Wagon
Organized Social/Cultural Activities in Humboldt
There are a number of social and cultural activities that take place within the City of Humboldt. Some of the more prominent ones include the following:
- Carlton Trail Toastmaster Club
- German Heritage Society of Humboldt
- Humboldt Community Players
- Humboldt School of Dance
In addition to the above mentioned group activities, other activities for all ages would include the following:
- Community Band
- Drama
- German Folk Dancing
- St. Peter's Choir
- Speedswimming