MAY 11, 2021; COMMENCING AT 7:30 P.M.



�� 1. ���� Call to Order.


�� 2. ���� Adopt Agenda.


�� 3.����� Public Acknowledgements.���


�� 4.����� Approve Minutes.

����������� a) ������� Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held April 27, 2021

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�� 5. ���� Delegations.


�� 6. ���� Correspondence.

����������� �A� Items Requiring Council Resolution

����������� a)�������� Report from City Clerk � Amendments to Smoking Bylaw


�B� Items Received For Information Only

a)                  Minutes of the Humboldt & District Museum & Gallery Board Meeting held May 4, 2021..

b)                  Registration for SUMA Regional Meeting held June 3, 2021

c)                  FCM Members Advisory � New Deal on Rights-of-Way

d)                  Minutes of the Waldsea Lake Regional Park Authority held April 19, 2021.

e)                  Humboldt School Division #104 � Uniform Mill Rate

f)                    Humboldt Catholic Schools � Uniform Mill Rate

g)                  Minister of Health � Humboldt�s Health Facility Status


7. ����� Committee Reports.

a) ������� Minutes of the Works and Utilities Committee Meeting held May 7, 2021.


8. ����� City Commissioner�s Report.

����������� a) ������� Tour Bus Companies

����������� b)������ Establishment of Sub-Classes


9. ����� Financial Statements.

����������� a) ������� Accounts Payable for the period ending MAY 11, 2021.


10. ����� Bylaws.

����������� a)������ Bylaw No.09 /2004 � A bylaw to Provide for a Minimum Tax.

����������� b)������ Bylaw No. 10/2004 � A bylaw to establish Mill Rate Factors

����������� c)������ Bylaw No. 11/2004 � A bylaw to Provide for a Base Tax.

����������� d)������ Bylaw No. 12/2004 � A Bylaw to Provide an Exemption of Assessment.

����������� e)������ Bylaw No. 13/2004 � A Bylaw to Establish Mill Rates�����������

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11.������ Unfinished Business.


12. ����� New Business.

����������� a)�������� Appointment to Library Board � Bernard Ortman

����������� b)�������� Local Improvement Resolutions � Pavement on 4th Street

����������� c)�������� Community Events Permit � Humboldt Demolition Derby����


13.������ Enquiries.


14. ����� Adjournment.