MARCH 23, 2021; COMMENCING AT 7:30 P.M.



�� 1. ���� Call to Order.


�� 2. ���� Adopt Agenda.


�� 3.����� Public Acknowledgements.���


�� 4.����� Approve Minutes.

����������� a) ������� Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held March 9, 2021

����������� b) ������� Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held March 15, 2021

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�� 5. ���� Delegations.

����������� a) ������� Windsor Hotel & The Hotels Association � No Smoking Bylaw; 7:30 p.m.

����������� b) ������� Lung Association of Saskatchewan � No Smoking Bylaw; 7:45 p.m.


�� 6. ���� Correspondence.

����������� �A� Items Requiring Council Resolution

a)      ����� Sagehill Development Inc. � Request for Cancellation of Tax Penalties������


�B� Items Received For Information Only

a)                  Minutes of the Reid-Thompson Public Library Board Meeting held February 16, 2021

b)                  Minutes of the Humboldt and Area � Community Drug Action Committee Meeting held March 10, 2021

c)                  Scott and Weber � No Smoking Bylaw

d)                  Humboldt School Division #104 � Sask. Energy Surcharge

e)                  Saskatchewan Emergency Management Organization � Elected Officials Course

f)                    Report from City Clerk � Results of Smoking Bylaw Questionnaire

g)                  SK Coalition for Tobacco Reduction � Hotel Association of Saskatchewan Survey

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7. ����� Committee Reports.

a) ������� Minutes of the Administration and Protection Committee Meeting held March 15, 2004

b) ������� Minutes of the Leisure Services Committee Meeting held March 16, 2021.

����������������������� i) �������� Historical Park � Landscape Architect


8. ����� City Commissioner�s Report.


9. ����� Financial Statements.

����������� a) ������� Accounts Payable for the period ending MARCH 23, 2021.


10. ����� Bylaws.

����������� a) ������� Bylaw No. 06/2004 � The Smoking Bylaw


11.������ Unfinished Business.


12. ����� New Business.

a) ������� Appointment to Waldsea Lake Regional Park Authority � Resignation of Elizabeth Hayward

Interested Citizens:Two Vacancies

a) ������� Bob Galvin

b) ������� Reg Gaetz

c) ������� Christine Skulski

����������� b) ������� Appointment to Wapiti Regional Library Board � Kate Lucyshyn

����������� c) ������� Humboldt Centennial Builds Policy

����������� d)�������� Report from Accountant Supervisor � School By-Election

e)�������� Dates for Budget Meetings


13.������ Enquiries.


14. ����� Adjournment.