APRIL 13, 2021; COMMENCING AT 7:30 P.M.



�� 1. ���� Call to Order.


�� 2. ���� Adopt Agenda.


�� 3.����� Public Acknowledgements.���


�� 4.����� Approve Minutes.

����������� a) ������� Minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held March 23, 2021

����������� b) ������� Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held March 30, 2021

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�� 5. ���� Delegations.

����������� a) ������� Ms. Judy Plag, Bella Vista Inn � Smoking Bylaw, Outdoor Patios � 7:30 p.m.


�� 6. ���� Correspondence.

����������� �A� Items Requiring Council Resolution

a)      ����� Report from City Clerk � Storefront German Development Policy

b)      ����� Report from City Clerk � Rental of CN Parking Lot���

c)      ����� Behiel, Munkler & Will � Approval for Discretionary Use in R1 - District


�B� Items Received For Information Only

a)                  Report from Leisure Services Director � Repairs to Uniplex Boiler Room

b)                  Tobacco Reduction Program � Congratulations, Smoking Bylaw

c)                  Heart and Stroke Foundation � Congratulations, Smoking Bylaw

d)                  Saskatoon Health Region - Congratulations, Smoking Bylaw

e)                  Five Hills Health Region � Congratulations, Smoking Bylaw

f)                    Manitoba Lung Association � Congratulations, Smoking Bylaw

g)                  Minister of Government Relations � SAMA Update

h)                  FCM � Members� Advisory � GST Refund for Municipal Governments

i)                    FCM � Members� Advisory � New Deal Down Payment

j)                    Minutes of the Waldsea Lake Regional Park Authority Meeting held March 21, 2021

k)                  Minutes of the REACT Waste Management District Authority Meeting held March 10, 2021 and Agenda for Annual AGM to be held April 21, 2021

l)                    Humboldt Economic Development Team � April 14th Workshop

m)               Del-Air Systems � SaskEnergy Surcharge

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7. ����� Committee Reports.

a) ������� Minutes of the Works and Utilities Committee Meeting held April 6, 2021

����������� i) �������� 14th Avenue Subdivision Approval

����������� ii) ������� Quality Assurance/Quality Control Policy


8. ����� City Commissioner�s Report.


9. ����� Financial Statements.

����������� a) ������� Accounts Payable for the period ending APRIL 13, 2021.


10. ����� Bylaws.

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11.������ Unfinished Business.


12. ����� New Business.

����������� a)�������� Adoption of the 2004 Capital Budget

����������� b) ������� Adoption of the 2004 Operating Budget

����������� c) ������� Committee of the Whole

����������������������� i) �������� Offer to Purchase Land


13.������ Enquiries.


14. ����� Adjournment.