City of Humboldt Trails Master Plan Following community consultation and research, the City of Humboldt's Trails Master Plan has been released.
VEMAX Road Asset Management Report Vemax Management assisted the City of Humboldt in undertaking a transporation analysis, click here for an overview of the findings.
'Humboldt Surges Ahead' in SaskBusiness Magazine Featured under the title Humboldt Surges Ahead, the December 2012 SaskBusiness magazine publication states how a "substantial population increase, the construction of new public building and flourishing businesses has made Humboldt the poster child for a successful Saskatchewan city." Thanks, SaskBusiness! Read the entire article here.
BHP Billiton - Jansen Project Community Readiness Study To learn more about the capacity and readiness of the City of Humboldt in light of the anticipated Jansen mine development, please click here. To learn more about the overall Jansen Mine Project, please click here.
VEMAX Tax Loss Study Potential Revenue Losses as a Result of Labour Shortages for BHP Potash Development The report's main message is this ... if the province fails to step up to the plate and help the region plan, fund and develop for a rapidly growing population base, then BHP may have difficulties obtaining the full time labour it requires to meet its production targets. And if BHP fails to reach its production targets in a timely way, then the province will suffer a loss of tax revenues through lost royalties, resource taxes and corporate income taxes. To read the full report, compiled by Vemax Management, please click here.
City of Humboldt Community Foundation Assessment - OUR CITY. OUR FUTURE. The City held an Open House on June 20, 2020 to share report findings and gain further insight from the public on the opportunities and challenges facing our community. To view the presented information, please click here.
PIER Regional Housing Needs and Demands Assessment To view the final analysis of the PIER Regional Housing Needs and Demands Assessment, please click here.