Health District The City of Humboldt is located in the Saskatoon Health Region. The Saskatoon Health Region (SHR) is one of the most integrated and complex health delivery agencies in Canada. The services range from hospital and long term care to public health and home care services. The SHR is the largest health region in Saskatchewan serving over 300,000 residents in more that 100 cities, towns and rural municipalities which covers a large geographic area. Saskatoon Health Region Saskatoon Health Region -Humboldt Satellite Office 3rd Floor - Saskatoon Square 515 14th Avenue 410 22nd Street Box 1930 Saskatoon, SK S7K 5T6 Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 Phone (306) 655-3300 Phone (306) 682-5526 Visit our website! Humboldt District Hospital Humboldt District Health Complex The Humboldt District Health Complex which includes the Humboldt District Hospital and Community Health Services officially opened its doors on April 1, 2011. The hospital has 38 beds and is served by eight (8) doctors. The doctors on staff provide general medicine and surgery services. Other services provided at the hospital include laboratory, radiology, physiotherapy, palliative care, dietary counseling, cardiology, obstetrics, urology, gynecology, internal medicine, neurology, ears/nose/throat specialists and geriatric services.
Humboldt District Hospital 515 14th Avenue Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 Phone: (306) 682-2603 Fax: (306) 682-4046 Visit website:
Humboldt District Hospital Phone Numbers: Main Switchboard: (306) 682-2603 Site Manager: (306) 682-8113 Chaplain: (306) 682-8126 Dietician: (306) 682-8142 Director of Nursing: (306) 682-8132 Executive Secretary: (306) 682-8131 Hospital Foundation: (306) 682-4450 Medical: (306) 682-8140 Physio/Occupational Therapy: (306) 682-8105 Surgical: (306) 682-8191
Humboldt District Hospital Foundation The Humboldt District Hospital Foundation was formaly known as the St. Elizabeth's Hospital Foundation. It was formed in 1986 to act as a sister and support organization to St. Elizabeth's Hospital. In 2008, the foundation changed its name to the Humboldt District Hospital Foundaiton. The Foundation is administered by a volunteer board of directors which represents people throughout the district.
Vision Statement: Working together with health care professionals, patients and the community, the Foundation provides opportunities for people to invest their time, money and energy in a caring and compassionate relationship that makes the Humboldt District Health Complex an exceptional health care facility. Visit website!
Health Care Clinics & Professionals Ambulance | Humboldt & District Ambulance Service | | 1005 11th Ave. | (306) 682-5556 Emergency: 911 | Chiropractors | Chiropractic Associates | Dr. Dave Martinuk & Dr. Karen Martinuk | 716 Main Street | (306) 682-2440 | | Circle Centre Chiropractic Clinic | Various Doctors | 612 Main Street | (306) 682-1634 | Dentists/ Denturists | Humboldt Dental Associates | Dr. Brian Skulski & Dr. Parm Lalli | 312 Main Street | (306) 682-5071 | | Humboldt Dental Clinic | Dr. Bill Prokopishin & Dr. Fred Prokopishin | 617 - 7th Street | (306) 682-2313 | | Humboldt Denture Clinic | Dr. Ewald Redemann | 323 Main Street | (306) 682-3988 | | Humboldt SMILES Dental Studios | Dr. Michele Ackerman | Humboldt Mall | (306) 682-4434 | Medical Clinics | Humboldt Clinic | | 637 - 9th Street | (306) 682-2618 | Pharmacists | Humboldt Medical Dispensary | | 637 9th Street | (306) 682-4111 | | Shoppers Drug Mart | | 627 Main Street | (306) 682-2541 | | Pharmasave | | 531 Main Street | (306) 682-2616 | | Drugstore Pharmacy | | Extra Foods, Humboldt Mall | (306) 682-8335 | Physiotherapists | Humboldt Therapy Centre | | 521 - 7th Street | (306) 682-6610 | | Humboldt District Hospital | | 1210 - 9th Street | (306) 682-8105 | Optometrists/ Dispensers | Humboldt Vision Centre | Dr. David Guilbault & Dr. Curtis Knight | 316 Main Street | (306) 682-2335 | | | Dr. Alaina Elias | 517 Main Street | (306) 682-1590 | Public Health Public Health Services strives to enhance health and well being through population based programs that: - promote healthy communities, groups, families and individuals;
- prevent disease and disabilities;
- protect the public from environment hazards.
For more information please contact the Saskatoon Health Region Public Health office at (306) 682-2626 or click here to visit their website. Home Care Support Services Home Care is a community based member of the Saskatoon Health Region. We are committed to participating in and improving the continuum of care with clients in their homes. Our services are educative, supportive, rehabilitative and palliative; promoting health, independence, maintaining dignity while enhancing quality of life. Access to Home Care Support Services is through Client Patient Access Services (CPAS). These services include: personal care, in-home respite, meal preparation, home management and security calls.
For more information please contact the Saskatoon Health Region Home Care office at (306) 682-2609 or click here to visit their website. Senior Housing
Name | Community | Phone | Type | Level of Care | Connie's Care Home | Humboldt | (306) 682-4584 | 10 rooms | 1 - 2 | Caleb Village Retirement Community | Humboldt | (306) 934-2075 | Construction begins May 2010 - 94 unit independent living community | | East Side Village | Humboldt | (306) 682-2705 | 24 Rental Apartment Units | 1 | Harry Ford Centre | Humboldt | (306) 682-2705 | 34 Rental Units | 1 | Humboldt Housing Authority | Humboldt | (306) 682-2705 | 10th & 11th Street Rental Duplexes | 1 | Kinsmen Court | Humboldt | (306) 682-2705 | 9 Rental Units 10 owned condo units | 1 | St. Mary's Villa | Humboldt | (306) 682-2628 | 101 bed facility & 13 Enriched housing units | 3 & 4 | Sunset Manor | Humboldt | (306) 682-2705 | 9 Rental units | 1 | Bruno Housing Authority - Prairie View | Bruno | (306) 369-2933 | Independent Living with meal programs, garden space and attached wellness centre | 1 & 2 | Central Parkland Lodge | Lanigan | (306) 365-1420 | 35 bed special care home, recreational activity available | 3 & 4 | Evergreen Country | Leroy | (306) 286-3348 | Assisted living facility with home care services, 18 single units, 4 double units | 1 & 2 | Leroy Housing Authority | Leroy | (306) 286-3419 | 12 Senior housing units, common area | 1 & 2 | Bethany Pioneer Village | Middle Lake | (306) 367-2033 | 36 bed special care home, 41 room assisted living, 24 independent row housing | 1 - 4 | Wolverine Heights Senior Housing (managed by Muenster Housing Authority) | Muenster | (306) 682-5425 | 12 independent units (1 & 2 bedroom suites), security entrance, wheelchair accessible | 1 | Quill Plains Centennial Lodge | Watson | (306) 287-3232 | 41 bed special care home | 3 | Watson Housing Authority | Watson | (306) 287-4241 | 14 enriched housing (two are 2-bedrooms), 10 row housing, 4 duplexes (one bedroom) | 1 |
Facilities & Services for the Physically & Mentally Disabled
Futuristic Industries 629 2nd Street Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 (306) 682-4744
Humboldt & Area Supported Employment Program Inc. 623 7th Street Humboldt, SK S0K 2A0 (306) 682-1455
Humboldt Society Group Home Group Home 1, (306) 682-2772 Group Home 2, (306) 682-2904 Group Home 3, (306) 682-3421 Program Coordinator, (306) 682-6117
Humboldt Special Olympics Ken Ruthven, (306) 682-3015 or Pauline Fahl, (306) 682-5104
Health/Wellness Organizations & Support Groups Al-Anon, (306) 682-2304 or (306) 682-2234 Alcoholics Anonymous, (306) 682-3761 or (306) 682-5401 Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Humboldt, (306) 682-2829 Connections Counseling & Consulting Services, (306) 682-6760 George Bailey Counseling Centre Inc., (306) 682-3249 Family Services -Partners Building Hope, (306) 682-4135 Crystal Meth Hotline/Healthline, 1-877-800-0002 Pregnancy Helpline, 1-800-665-0570 Smoker’s Helpline, 1-877-513-5333 Social Services, 1-800-244-8297